Daily driving tools and fonts for Manjaro (My Manjaro Setup)

Daily driving tools and fonts for Manjaro (My Manjaro Setup)

Manjaro is a free and open-source Linux distribution based on the Arch Linux operating system. I use it as my daily driving development device.

One of the most beautiful features of Manjaro is its Rolling Release Development Model where the same core system is continually updated and upgraded rather than reinstalling the new version or release to get the latest features.

I have been using Manjaro for four months. I use some tools on a daily basis to make my Manjaro user experience better. These tools are not integrated with Manjaro if you have a fresh copy Manjaro installed in your system. So, if you are interested to know more about the tools I use, read it further below.


Tools that I use

  1. Install base-devel and git (Prerequisite for install other packages and tools)
    • You will need a package group base-devel which includes tools for building (compiling and linking).
    • To install base-devel and git from the terminal
        sudo pacman -S base-devel git
  2. Install Snapcraft Store and yay (For installing and managing packages)
    • I found yay helpful over pacman for installing some of the packages from AUR (Arch User Repository).
    • To install Snapcraft from your terminal, type
        sudo pacman -S snapd
        sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
        sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
    • To install yay, type
        sudo git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-git.git
        cd yay-git
        makepkg -si
  3. Install Google Chrome
    • To install google-chrome using yay, type
        yay -S google-chrome
  4. Install hyper.js (My default terminal)
    • Hyper is an electron based terminal. Website
    • You can use other terminal like iTerm, konsole(manjaro built in terminal).


    • To install hyper, type -
        yay -S hyper
  5. Install Albert
    • If you were a Mac user, you might get used to Spotlight or Alfred. Website
    • Albert is a alternative to Spotlight or Alfred for linux.


    • To install albert, type-
        sudo pacman -S albert
  6. Install Vim
    • I use vim for quick text editing. Website
    • To install vim, type -
        sudo pacman -S vim
  7. Install zsh (Oh My Zsh)
    • I use zsh (Z-Shell) as my default shell. Website


    • To install, type-
        sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
  8. Install Notion
    • Notion is a all in one workspace for taking notes, keeping track of your tasks, kanban board, managing projects and many more. I use it on a daily basis. Website


    • To install Notion, type-
        sudo snap install notion-snap
  9. Install Visual Studio Code (vscode)
    • VSCode is my primary code editor and have been using it for a long time.
    • To install VSCode, type-
        sudo snap install code --classic
  10. Fira Code and Recursive Fonts
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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